Norwich Cathedral is 900 years old has always been the heart of Norfolk. The Cathedral has been a place for public worship and for private prayer. It is a very big cathedral which has a nice green garden in the middle of the Cathedral. The Cathedral itself has a small art gallery which has paintings and other crafts. I was very much impressed by how the cathedral looks from the inside and the outside. It is a very attractive building with lots of interesting features inside which make its history. It is a very big Cathedral and is definitely worth a visit.
One feature of the Cathedral is The Font in the Cathedral which is a copper vessel used for baptism. It is filled with water and is used as a symbol which is explained in the leaflet handed out to me. ‘Here God pours over his people his gift of eternal life in Christ and makes them members of the Body of Christ in the world, the church’. The Font is now an object used for baptism but somebody told me inside the Cathedral that it was originally used for making chocolate but was then given to the Cathedral. I was impressed with its size and aura when I first saw it
Norwich Cathedral also has a passageway up some stairs and this is called The Ambulatory. This is a passageway that leads to gold and silver plates and pots. The treasure was given by many parish churches. In medieval times pilgrims would have used this space for worship but now The Ambulatory is used for storage of gold and silver. You can see the treasury in a video clip that I filmed in this blog.
The Cathedral also has some other impressive features to it such as The Peace Globe and The Pulpitum. The Pulpitum is a meeting place of heaven and earth. I liked The Peace Globe because of all the candles it has on it that were very pretty. What I like about these different features is that even though they all have a religious origin, they tell a different story of what they mean and possibly what they will mean in the future. There are other features in the Cathedral which you can find out about.
Norwich Cathedral is a very important part of Norwich because of its long history and tradition. It is also very important because it is one of the city’s biggest features. It is a wonderfully crafted building that is very nice to see on a sunny day. Norwich Cathedral stands as one of many medieval churches in Norwich, over 30 in total.
Overall I really like my visit to Norwich Cathedral because I found the building fascinating. Cathedrals and churches create a very subtle and harmonious feeling which I like. It has lots of interesting features like statues, silver and gold pots, The Font and so on. The Cathedral is a very big place which I was really impressed with. If you are visiting Norwich I would recommend going to Norwich Cathedral as it is a great spectacle and a nice place to visit.
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